MySchool Info

Sunday 16 June 2013

'Are you a...?' 'No, I am not!'

Dialog with the unknown ;)

Children in our English groups in Przywidz had to draw a short scene where they meet something that they don't really recognise.
Look at the effects of their work!

 'Aaaaah! Are you a monster?'
'No, I am not. I am not a tiger. I am a TORNADO!'

by Roch

 'Are you a monster?'
'No, I am not a monster. I am Scooby-Doo!'

by Monika

 'Are you a UFO?'
'Yes, I am!'

by Iga

'Are you a tiger?'
'I am not a tiger. I am a ghost!'

by Weronika

 'Are you a monster?'
'I am not a monster. I am a dragon!'

by Ola

 'I am blind because of the sun! Are you a werewolf?'
'I am not a werewolf. I am an alien!'

by Hania

 'Are you a monkey?'
'I am not a monkey. I am a tiger!'

by Zuzia

 'Are you a dinosaur?'
'Iama! I am not a dino... I am a monster-zombie!'

by Staś

 'Are you a tiger?'
'I am not a tiger. I am a monster!'

by Oliwer

 'Are you a witch?'
'I am not a witch. I am a UFO!'

by Mieszko

'Are you a monster?'
'I am not a monster. I am a dragon!'

by Ola

Friday 14 June 2013


Have you ever drawn a CARICATURE of your friend? :)

Well, that was something new for our children from one of the English groups in Przywidz!

Look, how hard they're working and how much fun they're having! ;)

And these are the results of their work!
Each artist is holding his work and pointing to a person that he drew. 

 Hania and Martynka

 Roch and Mieszko

 Monika and Oliwer

Zuzia and Weronika

Good work guys! :D

Odwiedziny prawdziwych angielskich PIRATÓW 
na Zaspie 
w Przedszkolu nr 63!


Były gitary, piosenki, opowieści starych, doświadczonych ludzi morza, 
rabusiów, którzy przemierzyli rozległe wody, 
widzieli  nieznane lądy, 
przeżyli burze, 
walczyli o statki, bogactwa i stare mapy prowadzące do tajemniczych skarbów.

Dzieci słuchały oniemiałe...

What are the children holding in their small hands? :)


                                         High five! All right!

 Listen to one of the most famous pirate songs in history: Drunken sailer; our pirate knew that one!

What a horrible, horrifying monster! Let's face the horror!

Created and brought to life by imaginative heads and skillful hands of young learners in Przywidz.
